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Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Lingkungan Hidup (English Version)

Contoh Naskah | Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema  Lingkungan Hidup. (English Version)
Good morning all, Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah the Almighty God, now I can stand here in front of you all. At this moment we can meet in good condition. Now I will tell you about "The importance of protecting the environment"

Plants, people, animals and the environment are interdependence. Plants need a good environment for growing, animals need plants to eat, and human need everything to survive. Everything went as usual until the human who destroying it. No one of living things on the earth who can destroying it except the human.

Globalization may already be familiar to you . Globalization can accelerate the rate of economy anywhere. Technology developed over the years become a tool that can easily human works. Even to support it many new technologies are born for example a computer. Unfortunately, the speed of current technological improvement not followed by protecting awareness of surrounding environment. Massive oil drilling caused by the human vehicle is increasing along with increasing human populations from year to year. Finally, the waste produced from the vehicles, become one of the main factors polluted air around us. A lot of environmental damage that we often hear, for example, global warming ,acid rain, greenhouse effect, environmental pollution and so on.

The greenhouse effect caused by excessive carbon dioxide gas and causes global warming makes the earth hotter. The next phenomenon is acid rain, although it can prevent global warming but acid rain is more dangerous. humans are the main causes ! Start From now let's keep our environment for our grandchildren one day later. because no matter how small work you do, will be felt by our children and grandchildren one day later.

This is enough from me . sorry if there was a mistake, thank you for your attention.

Sumber : Naufal IX B

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Salam berbagi Ilmu Pengetahuan.

2 komentar untuk "Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Lingkungan Hidup (English Version)"

Unknown 5 April 2013 pukul 23.56 Hapus Komentar
thank's your's post have help me
Unknown 17 September 2014 pukul 09.05 Hapus Komentar
thank's bray